Monday 16 April 2012

question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film is most recommended for youth's (teenagers and young adults) of any gender, but is limited on nationality as our film is in English language. We have decided it is mostly for youths as the older audience would expect more explicit scenes which our movie clip does not offer. We gave our film a 15 rating after researching through the BBFC, this suggests that our film is for age 15 and over (applies for youths). Our film shows mild scenes of murder and violence, but as they are only a few second flashbacks then it is VERY little scenes of this sort.

This clip represents our social group as it shows why it isn't recommended for children any younger than the age 15.. as it could inflict on their behaviour. However, it also represents our age rating because it shows the tension that an older generation may want to see in their movies. I have compared my clip from my video to a video of the same age group in an existing film which is called 'kiss the girls'.

Kiss The Girls - The villain of the film in "Kiss the Girls" is a disturbing masked man who calls himself "Casanova". This is similar to our film as we also have a masked murder/kidnapper in our film which you can't see his face. In their trailer they also have flash backs of scenes of the woman from the proposed murdering scene. We found this very influential for our film as we could pick up ideas but not in the same scary sense so that our film is eligible for younger people. It includes alot of action which we wanted o=in our film to create tension. 

Knives and violence
We represent our chosen social group as a negative representation of teenagers. Most people in areas consider adolescence as 'yobs' and associate them with 'vandalism' and 'crime' so it's kind of a typical representation in the same sense. Other films that associate with the typical 'yob teenager' is adulthood and kidulthood. 

We have created a meaning that suggests most adolescence are going commit a crime at some stage in their life, wether its under age smoking/drinking, taking drugs, murder, kidnap, theft and other things. It's a negative approach to how we think about teenagers but in most sense is true and our film represents this with the kidnap and the fighting when the murderer/kidnapper hits the husband whilst at work. The murderer/kidnapper convicts breaking an entry, violence and breaking the law in sense of kidnapping him, so this reflects how the majority of teenagers may break so many laws whilst thinking their only doing one.

Our film  clip isn't really something 'different' as it compares to existing films, as mentioned like 'kidulthood'. Another film i found was 21 jump street which is also a 15, like our film, and involves crimes within the younger generation. It isnt the same story line but reflects our film because of the 'youths making crimes' situation.

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