Wednesday 29 February 2012

Organisation of Resources

Location Possibilities
My group and i discovered different locations we would need when filming our movie. We will definitely be needing an office but only for the flash backs that the spy has. We will also be needing a bed scene where the spy wakes up, the majority of the film will be filmed here. At first we chose to use the college as it would be most appropriate but we then decided to take it a step further and ask if we could use a professional office to film our shots. The college has a studio with a bed in, and also recording equipment for voice overs during the filming.

Outside of office 

View from outside of window (ACTUAL FILMING)

'Bingham Rawlings' architectural office - this is perfect as the husband is
actually an architect in the film.

Dark basic bedroom 

Recording studio

Apart from these few places, we're keeping the places of our film simple so that it isnt too confusing and have just stuck to basic areas.

Prop ideas
We have thought of a few props that we will need to use during our filming, here is a list of ideas that we have come up with:
  • telephone AND mobile phone
  • papers and files 
  • bed 
  • desk 
  • Set of keys (for locking the door) - maybe

Our film consists of flash backs, therefore our use of crops is limited as it is mainly just people! 

Casting ideas
Throughout our clip we will only have four characters which are the wife, the husband and the murderer which turns out to be the 'spy', however in the flash backs the spy/murderer will be played by someone else.
Jae Jones
The spy
The main character

Gabrielle Davies - the wife
Sarah Higgingbottom - The murderer 'spy'
Daniel Fisher - The husband

Costume ideas 
I discovered that if the husband were to be leaving work, then obviously he must be dressed smart.. He will be wearing a smart suit  (shirt and trousers) when during his role which is the typical male dress code for work. The murderer wont really be seen during his role, so dark clothes are a must have,however when Jae plays the spy role; he will be wearing just laid back nightwear such as shorts and a vest.. The wife will be doing the same as it will be in the morning, such as a night robe. 
We tried out the suit on Georgie who is part of my group, she will be getting together most of the costume ideas as she is not acting. Sarah will be playing the spy part during the murder therefore will be wearing black clothing covering the whole of her body.

Recording the voice over
Our script is basic as there isnt a lot of speaking during the film, Jae (the spy) will speak down the phone and then you will hear the voice over which sounds like the wife speaking through the phone. This will be recorded in the studio and then edited when we are in the editing suite.

Here is an image of our written script and then a typed  version: 

spy : Hello, this is Tim Bent from the spy development agency speaking how can i help?
Wife: Help! HELP! please help me! It's my husband please help me!
Spy: Ok, just calm down, i need to ask you a few questions.. What's his full name and where does he      work?
Wife: His name is John Wright and he works at Bingham Rawlings.. he's an architect
Wife: Hello? HELLO?!

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